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Friday, March 18, 2011


Home is in that orange-shaded portion of California.
Days before the terrible earthquake in Japan, I'd had a conversation with a friend about the massive subduction quake that we are overdue for here in our part of the world. He'd taken a class from a famous geologist who specializes in earthquakes. He talked about how it will be around 9 on the Richter and how the shaking will go on for minutes, not seconds as in most earthquakes. The tsunami it will unleash will wipe out some of the lower-lying towns almost instantaneously. We will be cut off from the outside world for weeks afterward due to damaged highways and bridges, likely with no power and maybe no water. I expressed my desire to be long gone when this event occurs. The thought is too horrific to contemplate, even as we live every day with the knowledge that it could very well happen here at any time in the Cascadia Subduction Zone. And then...

When I moved to Humboldt County in the late 80s, I became friends with a woman who had two girls, the younger being 2 at the time. We were in the same anthropology class that required spending a chunk of the semester at the zoo watching the primates for a term project. I remember us meeting there. My friend spread out a blanket and we worked while the "baby" napped, then we took her around the zoo to look at the animals when we were done. While still a student I wound up living just behind them. We became good friends and kept in touch over the years. The toddler at the zoo is now a married university graduate. She's incredibly smart, creative and quirky in all the best ways. And bilingual too.

She is currently living with her husband in northern Japan, working with a cultural exchange program. After the earthquake, there were a couple of tense days here in California as we waited for news. Even her friends in Japan started posting notes on Facebook, wondering if she was ok. She doesn't live right on the coast, but isn't that far from the epicenter. She'd mentioned visiting Sendai before. It was, to put it mildly, an unnerving experience.

At last, she was able to get a line out--she and her husband were ok!

I've been to Japan once, many years ago to Kyoto. I arrived not sure what I'd think of the place, and left enthralled. Thinking about what's happening in that country now is painful.

Before the quake, I'd planned to briefly mention Japan in my next post. I have a link to something there that relates to a current project. Next time...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you've had news of your friends. This not knowing is so hard...for so many.

Saturday, March 19, 2011  
Blogger Elephant's Child said...

Makes my heart hurt. We are (or should be) a community so what happens to one happens to us all. And yet all I can do is send money to Medecins San Frontiers and positive thoughts. Doesn't seem enough. Isn't enough. I am so glad that your friend is OK though.

Saturday, March 19, 2011  
Blogger Amanda said...

Yes, I'm glad to hear some good news too! I've only had the briefest of visits to Japan, but it is a place that just captures your heart in an instant. It is heartbreaking to watch what they are experiencing.

Saturday, March 19, 2011  
Anonymous moreidlethoughts said...

Glad you've had news of your friends. This not knowing is so hard...for so many.

Saturday, April 02, 2011  
Anonymous The Elephant's Child said...

Makes my heart hurt. We are (or should be) a community so what happens to one happens to us all. And yet all I can do is send money to Medecins San Frontiers and positive thoughts. Doesn't seem enough. Isn't enough. I am so glad that your friend is OK though.

Saturday, April 02, 2011  

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